Workshops Hormonal contraception at #ESCRH2022

In daily medical practice health professionals are regularly confronted by their patients with questions or complaints associated with hormonal contraception. Possibilities to solve these problems are not always clear and may be influenced by cultural and geographical issues. In two interactive workshops of 3 hours each, five different topics will be introduced and supervised by known experts in the field. We aim to discuss solutions in small groups of 8-10 individuals, to balance benefits and risks for the patient and to provide a tailor-made contraceptive advice. At the end of the workshop the knowledge obtained by the participants will be tested anonymously online by multiple choice questions through Mentimeter (see

Sociedade Portuguesa da Contraceção
Maternidade Daniel de Matos
Rua Miguel Torga, 3030-165 Coimbra
Telefone: 919 902 226
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