All types of modern contraception, including long-acting reversible contraception “should be accessible and affordable for everyone”, irrespective of their sex, social or national origin and any other status, and should be “accompanied by reliable advice and information”, the PACE Equality Committee has said, meeting in Paris.
The draft resolution adopted by the committee calls on European governments to introduce comprehensive sexuality education as part of all school curricula and ensure that age-appropriate sexuality education “is mandatory for all pupils, and that children cannot be withdrawn from it”. All modern methods of contraception, including emergency contraception without prescription, should be “made available to the public, including in rural and remote areas and to marginalised and vulnerable groups”, and the affordability of contraceptive methods ensured.
Following the proposals by the rapporteur Petra Bayr (Austria, SOC), the parliamentarians called for research on the use of all methods of contraception to be begun or enhanced, as well as the promotion of scientific research on male contraception methods, “with a view to developing and making available innovative contraceptives and devices for use by men”.
The text, adopted unanimously, calls for greater co-operation and support for civil society and health profession organisations active in promoting and providing contraception, collecting data and conducting research, as well as designing and carrying out information and awareness-raising campaigns.
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