Position Paper on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights 2019

The ESC has produced a Position Paper on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights on the occasion of World Contraception Day 2019 and launched at an event organised by the Spanish Society of Contraception in Madrid. The ESC is keen to participate in improving sexual and reproductive health in Europe in a broad sense together with the human rights integral to SRH. The main points of the different sections of the Position Paper are summarised in Spanish as well as English.

The Position Paper is the brainchild of Sam Rowlands and was developed with strong support from Kai Haldre. Eight more experts provided peer review. The paper attempts to be inclusive, covering a broad spectrum of sex and gender. Attention is drawn to the unique needs of particular marginalised groups. The paper is fully referenced so that those wishing to follow up particular aspects can do so, hopefully applying the principles to their own country.

The Board of the ESC will ensure that the content of the paper is widely disseminated through a variety of networks including academic, advocacy, policymaking, political, governmental and non-governmental.

The full ESC Position Paper can be downloaded here.

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